The idea of something being more or greater than something else (comparative) is expressed by means of a construction which can be represented by the following formula:
A Q law' B Q puS
In this formula, A and B are the two things being compared and Q is the quality which is being measured. The two Klingon words in the formula are law' be many and puS be few. Thus, it says A's Q is many, B's Q is few or A has more Q than B has or A is Q-er than B.
Any verb expressing a quality or condition may fit into the Q slot.
la' jaq law' yaS jaq puS The commander is bolder than the officer.
(la' commander, jaq be bold, yaS officer)
To express the superlative, that something is the most or the greatest of all, the noun Hoch all is used in the B position:
la' jaq law' Hoch jaq puS The commander is boldest of all.
In comparative and superlative constructions, the verb of quality (jaq be bold in the sentences above) must be said twice.
You can definitely use the law'/puS formula as part of a longer sentence. In these examples note that the non-comparative part - which I'll mark with [square brackets] - usually appears as a sort of prologue, place stamp or dependent clause to the actual comparative:
[jonlu'meH] wo'maj pop tIn law' Hoch tIn puS
Our Empire's highest bounty has been placed on his head.
[reH latlh qabDaq] qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS
The fire is always hotter on someone else's face.
[qIbDaq SuvwI"e'] SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS
You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy.
[tlhutlhmeH] HIq ngeb qaq law' bIQ qaq puS
Drinking fake ale is better than drinking water.
[noH ghoblu'DI'] yay quv law' Hoch quv puS
In war there is nothing more honorable than victory.
[tlhIngan wo' yuQmey chovlu'chugh] Qo'noS potlh law' Hoch potlh puS
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS...
[DujvamDaq] tlhIngan nuH tu'lu'bogh pov law' Hoch pov puS 'ej [DujvamDaq] 'op SuvwI' tu'lu'bogh po' law' tlhIngan yo' SuvwI' law' po' puS
It [IKV Pagh] has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
This last one looks complicated, but it just uses long-ish noun phrases in the A and B slots of the A Q law' B Q puS formula.
As a form of word play, antonyms (that is, words with opposite meanings) other than law' and puS are sometimes plugged into the formula. The resulting phrases literally make no sense at all, but because of the uniqueness of the law'/puS phrases within Klingon grammar, they are always understood. Constructions such as the following might be heard, all meaning, though not literally, "The Klingon is braver than the Ferengi":
tlhIngan yoH HoS verengan yoH puj.
(HoS, "be
strong"; puj, "be weak")
tlhIngan yoH pIv verengan yoH rop.
(pIv, "be
healthy"; rop, "be sick")
tlhIngan yoH Daj verengan yoH qetlh.
(Daj, "be interesting"; qetlh, "be dull")
Such fanciful use of words is found with the superlative construction (something is the most or the best) as well. In the superlative, the noun Hoch ("all") fits into the B slot, as in the normal sentence tlhIngan yoH law' Hoch yoH puS ("Klingons are the bravest of all"). It is possible, however, for rhetorical effect, to say such things as tlhIngan yoH HoS Hoch yoH puj (HoS, "be strong"; puj, "be weak").
If one state of affairs is not inherently better or worse than its opposite, the terms may occur in either order. Once again comparing the brave Klingon and the not-so-brave Ferengi:
tlhIngan yoH jen verengan yoH 'eS or tlhIngan
yoH 'eS verengan yoH jen
({jen,} "be high";
{'eS,} "be low")
tlhIngan yoH ghegh verengan yoH Hab or tlhIngan yoH Hab verengan yoH ghegh
(ghegh, "be rough"; Hab, "be smooth")
Some conditions, on the other hand, are more highly regarded than others. In those instances, it is essential to get the terms in the correct order. For example, among Klingons, a task that is difficult (Qatlh) is more highly valued than one that is easy (ngeD). Accordingly, in these creative comparative and superlative constructions, Qatlh is associated with the quality that is "many" and ngeD with the quality that is "few." To say "The Klingon is braver than the Ferengi," one would have to say tlhIngan yoH Qatlh verengan yoH ngeD. Reversing the order of Qatlh and ngeD would produce the phrase tlhIngan yoH ngeD verengan yoH Qatlh, which, if interpretable at all, would mean "The Klingon is less brave than the Ferengi." Even if one really meant it, uttering such a phrase could lead to unfortunate consequences.
Some speakers of Klingon never use such nonconformist constructions. Some use a few from a stock set. Others seem to be somewhat creative. Among Klingons, there is a fine line between creative use of the language and silliness, however, and Klingons are rather intolerant of the latter. Accordingly, the visitor to a Klingon planet is advised to avoid making such constructions until he or she is very well versed in Klingon culture. Not only will this preclude being viewed as less than serious, it will also prevent inadvertently making comparisons backward.