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tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
imp: you (s/pl)-them
imp: you (s/pl)-them
vegetation, plants
vegetation, plants
tifvoz zevdak candak
from area-southwestward to area-northwestward to area eastward
tifvoz zevdak candak
from area-southwestward to area-northwestward to area eastward
tikdak hosnaz tuzluz.
Real power is in the heart.
tikdak hosnaz tuzluz.
Real power is in the heart.
tikipkuz zej nom tikip.
Hit them hard and hit them fast.
tikipkuz zej nom tikip.
Hit them hard and hit them fast.
tikwij sazafnis
I must show you my heart.
tikwij sazafnis
I must show you my heart.
tikwij sazafnis.
I must show you my heart.
tikwij sazafnis.
I must show you my heart.
needs to not enjoy
needs to not enjoy
does not need to enjoy
does not need to enjoy
ziw biqtikdak jijah
I travel the river of blood .
ziw biqtikdak jijah
I travel the river of blood .
ziw biqtikdak jijah.
I travel the river of blood.
ziw biqtikdak jijah.
I travel the river of blood.
biqapkuzmeh tar dasop zez dativnis.
To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison.
biqapkuzmeh tar dasop zez dativnis.
To really succeed, you must enjoy eating poison.
bisovbejbezdiz timer.
When in doubt, surprise them.
bisovbejbezdiz timer.
When in doubt, surprise them.
bisuxniscug jagliz minduz tibej.
If you must negotiate, watch you enemy's eyes.
bisuxniscug jagliz minduz tibej.
If you must negotiate, watch you enemy's eyes.
tizkaz vigroz rur
nervous as a tika cat
tizkaz vigroz rur
nervous as a tika cat
deq tixap.
Take the credits!
deq tixap.
Take the credits!
tiglaz rur
foolish as a t'gla
tiglaz rur
foolish as a t'gla
dok biqtik biq
the river water is red - momentous happenings
dok biqtik biq
the river water is red - momentous happenings
gewmey tisukqoz.
Don't catch any bugs.
gewmey tisukqoz.
Don't catch any bugs.
gilab gewmey tibusqoz.
Pay no heed to glob flies.
gilab gewmey tibusqoz.
Pay no heed to glob flies.
gob tivnisbezluz.
One need not enjoy virtue.
gob tivnisbezluz.
One need not enjoy virtue.
gojwizpuzliz tisah.
Care about your students.
gojwizpuzliz tisah.
Care about your students.
hazdibahmey meq sop zez tiv terazfanpuz.
Terrans enjoy eating burnt animals.
hazdibahmey meq sop zez tiv terazfanpuz.
Terrans enjoy eating burnt animals.
hivjez tin yiteb.
Fill a large glass!
hivjez tin yiteb.
Fill a large glass!
hoc zebmey tijon.
Capture all opportunities.
hoc zebmey tijon.
Capture all opportunities.
caz hivjez tikem!
Waiter, bring two glasses!
caz hivjez tikem!
Waiter, bring two glasses!
jav puzhicmey tin
Six big phasers
jav puzhicmey tin
Six big phasers
mayz feb tiv hoc.
Everyone enjoys a mock battle.
mayz feb tiv hoc.
Everyone enjoys a mock battle.
pezvil muzkadmey tibac.
Curse well!
pezvil muzkadmey tibac.
Curse well!
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
qagmeylij ticid,
Have the courage to admit your mistakes.
qagmeylij ticid,
Have the courage to admit your mistakes.
kayzbez! tixap!
No problem! Here!
kayzbez! tixap!
No problem! Here!
quz datagdiz zaktuz mellotaz je tikaw.
When you begin a mission, remember Aktuh and Melota.
quz datagdiz zaktuz mellotaz je tikaw.
When you begin a mission, remember Aktuh and Melota.
kuvwij daticpuz,
You have insulted my honor, Terran.
kuvwij daticpuz,
You have insulted my honor, Terran.
targlij yab tin lawz nozliz hoc yabduz tin pus.
Your targ has a bigger brain than all your ancestors put together.
targlij yab tin lawz nozliz hoc yabduz tin pus.
Your targ has a bigger brain than all your ancestors put together.
xifan kuv daticdiz sef yiguh.
When you insult a Klingon's honor, prepare for trouble.
xifan kuv daticdiz sef yiguh.
When you insult a Klingon's honor, prepare for trouble.
xifan tig dapabcuz.
You follow Klingon customs well.
xifan tig dapabcuz.
You follow Klingon customs well.
xifan tig: suvwiz devmeh pak
The Klingon Way - A Warriors Guide
xifan tig: suvwiz devmeh pak
The Klingon Way - A Warriors Guide
tozbaj zus lugodluzbog tilaj.
Accept these stuffed to'baj legs.
tozbaj zus lugodluzbog tilaj.
Accept these stuffed to'baj legs.
vaj dativbaz.
Then you're obviously enjoying it.
vaj dativbaz.
Then you're obviously enjoying it.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Kotar, Kotar, Kotar! Guide our warriors To their final battleground.
suh tayvam tiq wilopcohjaj
We are ready, Let us commence This ancient rite.
suh tayvam tiq wilopcohjaj
We are ready, Let us commence This ancient rite.
wazdic nac zayz cazdic giv zayz wejdic burg zayz losdic bif zayz vagdic duf zayz tagaz tik hoc box hoclog dat joktahjaj
First Nach, the form of the head, Then Ghiv, the form of the legs and arms, Then Burgh, the form of the stomach, Then Bing, the form of the space above and below, And Dung, the space beside, And finally Tiq, the heart and center of all things, May it forever beat, anywhere.
wazdic nac zayz cazdic giv zayz wejdic burg zayz losdic bif zayz vagdic duf zayz tagaz tik hoc box hoclog dat joktahjaj
First Nach, the form of the head, Then Ghiv, the form of the legs and arms, Then Burgh, the form of the stomach, Then Bing, the form of the space above and below, And Dung, the space beside, And finally Tiq, the heart and center of all things, May it forever beat, anywhere.
targ darur vaj kasam zej kahoh gik caz tikduzlij visop
“I will hunt you down Like a targ and slay you, Then eat both your hearts!”
targ darur vaj kasam zej kahoh gik caz tikduzlij visop
“I will hunt you down Like a targ and slay you, Then eat both your hearts!”