When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
los ... kib hehdak,
zuz sepmeydak sovbezluzbog lefluzmeh he gosluzbog rexdak zohtah. hadluzmeh,
sudluzmeh lojmit da log hop hut tefcah. vaj logdak leflahtah humanpuz. veh qav zoh logzez.
(skybox card)
It waits ... on the edge of the galaxy, beside a passage to unknown regions of the universe, space station is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue and enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into space --- the final frontier.
los ... kib hehdak,
zuz sepmeydak sovbezluzbog lefluzmeh he gosluzbog rexdak zohtah. hadluzmeh,
sudluzmeh lojmit da log hop hut tefcah. vaj logdak leflahtah humanpuz. veh qav zoh logzez.
(skybox card)
It waits ... on the edge of the galaxy, beside a passage to unknown regions of the universe, space station is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue and enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into space --- the final frontier.