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tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
be wonderful, be great
be wonderful, be great
tazmey dun,
bommey dun.
Great deeds, great songs.
tazmey dun,
bommey dun.
Great deeds, great songs.
tazmey dun datazmeh nadev sohtah bilef net lijbez kuvkazmeh vavliz yivaf
You are here for great deeds, Your journey will not be forgotten, Restore the honor of your father.
tazmey dun datazmeh nadev sohtah bilef net lijbez kuvkazmeh vavliz yivaf
You are here for great deeds, Your journey will not be forgotten, Restore the honor of your father.
tazmey dun vitazrup jisehzegnis mudecbog docmey visehnis hoc visehnis
I am made for great deeds, I must take control Of myself, my surroundings, everything!
tazmey dun vitazrup jisehzegnis mudecbog docmey visehnis hoc visehnis
I am made for great deeds, I must take control Of myself, my surroundings, everything!
wazdic nac zayz cazdic giv zayz wejdic burg zayz losdic bif zayz vagdic duf zayz tagaz tik hoc box hoclog dat joktahjaj
First Nach, the form of the head, Then Ghiv, the form of the legs and arms, Then Burgh, the form of the stomach, Then Bing, the form of the space above and below, And Dung, the space beside, And finally Tiq, the heart and center of all things, May it forever beat, anywhere.
wazdic nac zayz cazdic giv zayz wejdic burg zayz losdic bif zayz vagdic duf zayz tagaz tik hoc box hoclog dat joktahjaj
First Nach, the form of the head, Then Ghiv, the form of the legs and arms, Then Burgh, the form of the stomach, Then Bing, the form of the space above and below, And Dung, the space beside, And finally Tiq, the heart and center of all things, May it forever beat, anywhere.
duf koz pawdiz keylis korduz je tazzez neh bop bommey
Upon reaching the upper world, No one could speak of anything, But the deeds of Kahless and his kin.
duf koz pawdiz keylis korduz je tazzez neh bop bommey
Upon reaching the upper world, No one could speak of anything, But the deeds of Kahless and his kin.
qistak zemdak jencoh jul yor dufdak saltazdiz tag hargcukmeh poh
The sun rises high behind the Kri'stak, When it rises over its top, It is time to do battle.
qistak zemdak jencoh jul yor dufdak saltazdiz tag hargcukmeh poh
The sun rises high behind the Kri'stak, When it rises over its top, It is time to do battle.
ceztahvis val keylis zej yoh qapkaz xifan tukmey zej yaymey dun cav
The Klingon tribes flourished once more, And many great victories were made During Kahless’s reign of wisdom and bravery.
ceztahvis val keylis zej yoh qapkaz xifan tukmey zej yaymey dun cav
The Klingon tribes flourished once more, And many great victories were made During Kahless’s reign of wisdom and bravery.
zej nitebhaz suv cah zez sov lukaraz kaz kozvam dun lawz geztor dun pus
Fighting side by side In an underworld, more glorious Than Gre'thor ever was.
zej nitebhaz suv cah zez sov lukaraz kaz kozvam dun lawz geztor dun pus
Fighting side by side In an underworld, more glorious Than Gre'thor ever was.