This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
Worf's bat'telh has been in his family for ten generations. According to Klingon legend, this sword of honor descends from the time of Kahless the Unforgettable.
Worf's bat'telh has been in his family for ten generations. According to Klingon legend, this sword of honor descends from the time of Kahless the Unforgettable.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulusfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulusfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
dog gah zez sov morax zex doqdiz meqcuzpuz woz cezrupbog
Morath knows he has been a fool, His promised kingdom will be ash By the time he claims the sword.
dog gah zez sov morax zex doqdiz meqcuzpuz woz cezrupbog
Morath knows he has been a fool, His promised kingdom will be ash By the time he claims the sword.
xifan woz nur gob je hosmoh kuvvam cezdiz molor nur gob je pujcohpuz
With it, I restore pride and values Of the Klingon Empire, for under Molor, They have grown weak and faint.
xifan woz nur gob je hosmoh kuvvam cezdiz molor nur gob je pujcohpuz
With it, I restore pride and values Of the Klingon Empire, for under Molor, They have grown weak and faint.