This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
With strong family traditions, devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon virtues. Above all, the Klingon family name is highly valued.
With strong family traditions, devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon virtues. Above all, the Klingon family name is highly valued.
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of Ascension ceremony. The Painstik is employed by friends of the recipient who use the devices to inflict pain in a manner which will allow the Klingon to attain a higher state of spirituality as a warrior, proving his mettle. Painstiks are a little over one meter long and emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of inflicting pain.
The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of Ascension ceremony. The Painstik is employed by friends of the recipient who use the devices to inflict pain in a manner which will allow the Klingon to attain a higher state of spirituality as a warrior, proving his mettle. Painstiks are a little over one meter long and emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of inflicting pain.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulu sfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulu sfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
hikadqoz puklodwiz suvcukdiz vav puklod je waniz dozhaz lawz hoc dozhaz pus
Do not resist, me, son. Father and son fighting, There is nothing worse.
hikadqoz puklodwiz suvcukdiz vav puklod je waniz dozhaz lawz hoc dozhaz pus
Do not resist, me, son. Father and son fighting, There is nothing worse.
sovbej pag zeltaz nuv lawz cegtaz pag
No one knows for sure, Many have entered, None have returned.
sovbej pag zeltaz nuv lawz cegtaz pag
No one knows for sure, Many have entered, None have returned.
vaj korduz rus hos lawz heg hos pus
This can only mean Our family bonds are stronger Than even death itself.
vaj korduz rus hos lawz heg hos pus
This can only mean Our family bonds are stronger Than even death itself.
kotar kotar kotar kempazqehliz tigommoh kazpuzvam hem lawz hoc hem pus
Kotar, Kotar, Kotar! Assemble your Qempa'keh*, The proudest spirits of Gre'thor!
kotar kotar kotar kempazqehliz tigommoh kazpuzvam hem lawz hoc hem pus
Kotar, Kotar, Kotar! Assemble your Qempa'keh*, The proudest spirits of Gre'thor!
puh lonlawztaz yin kaz sandaj sah pag
It was as if the spirit of life Had forsaken the earth, And no one cared about its fate.
puh lonlawztaz yin kaz sandaj sah pag
It was as if the spirit of life Had forsaken the earth, And no one cared about its fate.