Hol 'ampaS/pIqaD 2048/tlhIngan mu'ghom/Klingon Word of the Day Privacy Policy

The developers of Hol 'ampaS, the pIqaD 2048 app, and the tlhIngan mu'ghom Skill, care deeply about the privacy of our users, and therefor we do not collect or store any private information on them, nor do we wish to ever record this information.

The pIqaD 2048 app does not record any private information although it may request permission to access certain features on your device. These features are only needed by the framework used to develop the software, and are not used directly by the game or us.

The tlhIngan mu'ghom Skill does not send any user information to us beyond what Amazon tracks automatically.

The Hol 'ampaS website collects some data from users as they interact with the site, but this is limited to data that is normally logged by the web server software (IP, page, time of access). No personally identifiable data is recorded.

The Klingon Word of the Day Facebook App does not collect any personal information from any user besides the owner of the app and this website. It has no users besides the owner of this site and the owner of the app itself.