pIqaD Writing

This site supports both viewing and writing in pIqaD. In order to write in pIqaD, use one of the keyboard downloads below.

Thanks to the amazing work of David Peterson, Hol 'ampaS now has a new pIqaD font for people to use. Unlike other pIqaD fonts, this one can be typed using standard Romanized Klingon. It can also convert Romanized to pIqaD, and vice verse. The animated gif below was made using Notepad and simply switching the font back and forth. If the font does not automatically change to the correct characters, the software may need all ligatures turned on. This is a known issue in Word, and can be activated by following these instructions.


pIqaD Keyboards

There are currently several methods of installing the pIqaD keyboard and font, depending on your current system.

If you notice strange runes while using the Unicode pIqaD font, download and install the latest version of the pIqaD font.

  • Windows 11
  • Due to changes in the recent editions of Windows 11, installation of the keyboard software from Windows 10 is not recommended. It may break your Windows.

  • Windows 10
  • Download this installer and run it. Then download and install this registry change to enable pIqaD support in many Windows applications. (Or use this registry file to use the pIqaD HaSta font instead, which must be installed seperately)

  • Windows Vista/7/8
  • Download this installer and run it.

  • Windows Mobile
  • Download and install this CAB file on your device. Then reboot.

  • Other Systems
  • Download the pIqaD Font and install it as you normally would for your system

Once it is installed, you may have to set your web browser to detect it using the following instructions:

  • Netscape/Mozilla
  • Under Tools/Options select pIqaD as your default font.

  • Internet Explorer/Edge
  • The Registry change linked above will enable pIqaD on Internet Explorer and Edge.

This setup uses the standard xifan hol mapping for characters:

Klingon letter a b ch D e gh H I j l m n ng o p q Q r S
typed letter a b c d e g h i j l m n f o p k q r s
displayed letter a b c d e g h i j l m n f o p k q r s
Klingon letter t tlh u v w y ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 , .
typed letter t x u v w y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 , .
displayed letter t x u v w y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 , .

pIqaD Normal/Unicode Font Package

All the fonts (KApIqaD, pIqaD, HaSta - TrueType TTF and Web woff) used on this page are available here. These are free to use, but we ask that this page is mentioned if they are used in a commercial product.