-'egh oneself

This suffix is used to indicate that the action described by the verb affects the performer of the action, the subject. It is translated by English self. When this suffix is used, the prefix set indicating "no object" must also be used.

jIqIp'egh I hit myself (qIp hit)

bIqIp'egh you hit yourself

qIp'egh he/she hits himself/herself

It is also possible to use this suffix with imperative verbs. As with nonimperatives, the prefix indicating "no object" must be used.

yIja''egh tell yourself! (ja' tell)

peja''egh tell yourselves!

-chuq one another

This suffix is used only with plural subjects. It is translated each other or one another. The prefix set indicating "no object" is also used when this suffix is used.

maqIpchuq we hit each other (qIp hit)

SuqIpchuq you (plural) hit each other

qIpchuq they hit each other

peqIpchuq hit each other!