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3.3.2: Type 2: Number
3.3.3: Type 3: Qualification
3.3.4: Type 4: Possession/specification
3.3.5: Type 5: Syntactic markers
3.4.0: The noun-noun construction
3.5.0: Emphasizing Nouns
4.0.0: Verbs
4.1.0: Pronominal prefixes
4.2.1: Type 1: Oneself/one another
4.2.2: Type 2: Volition/predisposition
4.2.3: Type 3: Change
4.2.4: Type 4: Cause
4.2.5: Type 5: Indefinite subject/ability
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4.2.7: Type 7: Aspect
4.2.8: Type 8: Honorific
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6.2.4: Purpose clauses
6.2.5: Sentences as objects
6.2.6: Nominalizer
6.3.0: "To be"
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6.6.0: Comparatives and superlatives
6.7.0: Placement of adverbial elements
6.8.0: Indirect objects
6.9.0: Verbs of motion
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7.3.0: Duress, excitement
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Power Klingon
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01 Introduction
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02 Qualifying suffixes
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03 Straightforwardness
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04 Straightforwardness - Dialogue
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05 Phrases - Aggressiveness and strength
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06 Dialogue - Using the four ideals; accuracy, straightforwardness, aggressiveness and strength
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07 Drinks
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08 Toasts
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09 Curse warfare
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10 Adressing people with high rank
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11 Dialects
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12 Replacement proverbs
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13 Secrecy proverbs
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14 Holiday proverbs
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15 Empire union day phrases
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16 Rite of ascention (Nentay)
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17 Mating phrases and sounds
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18 Clipped klingon
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19 Klingon humour and jokes
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20 Pet commands
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21 Dialogues - A klingon day
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22 Ending and credits
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zih jaj, karzaz. majazcukjaj.
'IH jaj, qar'a'? maja'chuqjaj.
Beautiful day, isn't it? May we talk?
I don't care.
bisahbez. kax bijax?
bISaHbe'. qatlh bIjatlh?
You don't care. Why do you say that?
cak sohvoz vayz vijez vineh.
chaq SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH.
Maybe I'd like to buy something from you.
tug. #sss.# bijezbezcug vaj biheg.
tugh. #SSS.# bIje'be'chugh vaj bIHegh.
Hurry up! Buy or die.
kuvwij daticpuz, terazfan.
quvwIj DatIchpu', tera'ngan.
You have insulted my honor, Terran.
biyintah zez dakoxbez.
bIyIntaH 'e' Daqotlhbe'.
You do not deserve to live.
Calm down!
docvex yixap.
Dochvetlh yItlhap.
Take that!
zox pef qek.
'otlh peng Qeq.
He aims the photon torpedo.
zox pef qekcuz.
'otlh peng Qeqchu'.
He aims the photon torpedo perfectly.
nugoc dujvex.
nughoch Dujvetlh.
That ship is tracking us.
nugoclawz dujvex.
nughochlaw' Dujvetlh.
That ship is apparently tracking us.
cazpujkutmey vijez vineh.
cha'pujqutmey vIje' vIneH.
I want to buy dilithium crystals.
Come with me!
bijax zez yimev.
bIjatlh 'e' yImev.
Shut up!
dah jihvad yifev.
DaH jIHvaD yIngev.
Sell it to me now!
bidilbezcug, vaj biheg.
bIDIlbe'chugh, vaj bIHegh.
Pay or die.
cazpujkutmey vijez vinehbej.
cha'pujqutmey vIje' vIneHbej.
I definitely want to buy dilithium crystals.
jiyaj. hixej.
jIyaj. HItlhej.
I understand. Come with me!
nadev bihtah. cazsad deq. tug.
naDev bIHtaH. cha'SaD DeQ. tugh.
Here they are. Two thousand credits. Hurry up!
bijax zez yimev. vinehbej.
bIjatlh 'e' yImev. vIneHbej.
Shut up! I definitely want them.
deq tixap.
DeQ tItlhap.
Take the credits!
bax maljaz dahuk.
batlh malja' DaHuq.
You transact business honorably.
romulus hik vixux.
romuluS HIq vItlhutlh.
I will drink Romulan ale.
hivjez tin yiteb.
HIvje' tIn yIteb.
Fill a large glass!
cuc yikemqoz.
chuch yIqemQo'.
Do not bring ice!
pubtahbog garg hik vixux.
pubtaHbogh ghargh HIq vItlhutlh.
I will drink boiling wormwine.
cazvax ben hik vixux.
cha'vatlh ben HIq vItlhutlh.
I will drink two century old ale.
loq mayev.
loQ mayev.
We will take a quick break.
biyev zez yimev.
bIyev 'e' yImev.
Stop breaking!
I am honored to see you.
poznes bahwizpuzliz.
po'neS baHwI'pu'lI'.
Your gunners are skilled, your honor.
dojnes miplij.
DojneS mIplIj.
Your wealth is impressive, your honor.
cazpuj vifevmeh cawz hinobnes.
cha'puj vIngevmeH chaw' HInobneS.
Give me a permit to sell dilithium, your honor.
qagwij viqij zez yicawznes.
QaghwIj vIQIj 'e' yIchaw'neS.
Permit me to explain my mistake, your honor.
rozkegziwcab hinob.
ro'qegh'Iwchab HInob.
Give me the Rokeg blood pie.
puzhicwij dalegpuz.
pu'HIchwIj Daleghpu'.
Have you seen my phaser?
hazdibah visop vineh.
Ha'DIbaH vISop vIneH.
I want eat meat
sojvex zoh nukzez.
Sojvetlh 'oH nuq'e'.
What is that food?
bircoh suvwiz ziw.
bIrchoH SuvwI' 'Iw.
The blood of the warrior grows cold.
dah jibwij visayznismoh.
DaH jIbwIj vISay'nISmoH.
I must wash my hair now.
qoznosdak paw caz diviz bek.
Qo'noSDaq paw cha' DIvI' beq.
Two Federation crewmen arrive on Kronos.
xifan zavwiz lugom
tlhIngan 'avwI' lughom
They meet a Klingon guard.
luxob "nadevvoz vaszazdak majahlahzaz?"
lutlhob; "naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'?"
They ask him: "Can we get to the Great Hall from here?"
jaf zavwiz "licopbezcug gewmey."
jang 'avwI'; "lIchopbe'chugh ghewmey."
The guard answers: "If the bugs do not bite you."
dokzaz suvwizpuz?
Doq'a' SuvwI'pu'?
Are warriors red?
gobez. sud.
ghobe'. SuD.
No. They are green.
zavwizvad jax kamaz "jiguf."
'avwI'vaD jatlh qama'; "jIghung."
A prisoner says to the guard: "I am hungry."
jaf zavwiz "jiguf je."
jang 'avwI'; "jIghung je."
The guard replies: "I am also hungry."
jax kamaz "jizoj."
jatlh qama'; "jI'oj."
The prisoner says: "I am thirsty."
jaf zavwiz "jizoj je."
jang 'avwI'; "jI'oj je."
The guard replies: "I am also thirsty."
jax kamaz "jidoyzkuz."
jatlh qama'; "jIDoy'qu'."
The prisoner says: "I am very tired."
jax zavwiz "jidoyzbez."
jatlh 'avwI'; "jIDoy'be'."
The guard says: "I am *not* tired."
javmah tat cuzwiz vinehbej.
javmaH tat chu'wI' vIneHbej.
I definitely want sixty ion triggers.
vagsad deq hinob! dah yidil!
vaghSaD DeQ HInob! DaH yIDIl!
Give me five thousand credits! Pay now!
kayzbez! tixap!
qay'be'! tItlhap!
No problem! Here!
maj. haz! dah maxux.
maj. Ha'! DaH matlhutlh.
Good. Let us go get a drink.
jabwiz, romulus hik vixux.
jabwI', romuluS HIq vItlhutlh.
Waiter, I will drink Romulan ale.
jabwiz, caz hivjez tikem!
jabwI', cha' HIvje' tIqem!
Waiter, bring two glasses!
ziwlij jacjaj.
'IwlIj jachjaj.
May your blood scream.
reh hivjezlijdak ziwgarg datuzjaj.
reH HIvje'lIjDaq 'Iwghargh Datu'jaj.
May you always find a bloodworm in your glass.
tagbej muzkad ves.
taghbej mu'qaD veS.
Curse warfare has definitely begun.
nadev juhlijdak cazlog visopnescug, vaj jikuv. jigufkuz.
naDev juHlIjDaq cha'logh vISopneSchugh, vaj jIquv. jIghungqu'.
It would be an honor to eat twice here at your house, your honor. I am very hungry.
sohdak keylis kaz yinjaj.
SoHDaq qeylIS qa' yInjaj.
May the spirit of Kahless live within you.
kuzbej qoglij. #sss!# mev! baz!
qu'bej QoghlIj. #SSS!# mev! ba'!
is definitely fierce. Do not do that! Sit!
yoh terazfan. majqaz.
yoH tera'ngan. majQa'.
The Terran is brave. Very good.
xifan tig dapabcuz.
tlhIngan tIgh Dapabchu'.
You follow Klingon customs well.
dez peg vigaj. liz, zez datuz. zuq visoppuzdiz majazcuk.
De' pegh vIghaj. lI', 'e' Datu'. 'uQ vISoppu'DI' maja'chuq.
I have secret information, you will find it useful. We will talk after dinner.
terazfan, kabelmohzaz?
tera'ngan, qabelmoH'a'?
Terran, Do I please you?
meb, lut xaq dasovzaz?
meb, lut tlhaQ DaSov'a'?
Guest, do you know any funny stories?
bax kagojmoh. qaplaz.
batlh qaghojmoH. Qapla'.
It has been an honor to instruct you. Success!
terazfan moxbez soh.
tera'ngan motlhbe' SoH.
You are an unusual Terran.
jol sehlaw lithaz
jol SeHlaw lItHa'
Get off that transporter control panel!
zusdaj cop! cev!
'uSDaj chop! chev!
Bite his/her leg off!
desvex yiv!
DeSvetlh yIv!
Chew that arm!
nadev docvex kem!
naDev Dochvetlh qem!
Bring that here!
nadev docvex kemkuz!
naDev Dochvetlh qemqu'!
I really mean it this time: bring that here!
kab! hazdibah kab!
qab! Ha'DIbaH qab!
Bad! Bad animal!
qucwij rosqoz!
QuchwIj roSQo'!
Do not lick my forehead!
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