
Here is what I got from the pIqaD:

Cover, left side:

tlhIngan wo' toQDuj

Cover, right side:

bI'rel tlharghDuj
jonwI' paq

Cover, bottom, just above the names:

paqvam luqon

Top of the sample page:


Which matches the page number shown at the bottom of the page.

The bottom of the sample page:

ghoSlaHbe'chugh Duj my' yaH yIchenmoH
HoS Hutlhchugh nISwI'mey qach QaDyIchenmoH
jagh DajylaHbe'chugh batlh yIHegh

Except for the typos, this matches the text above it. That regular text above it does not have the
typos that are in the pIqaD.



How I understand it:

Somebody (Okrand himself doesn't know who) translated and transcribed

MO and several qep'a' attendees looked over the chapter headings, corrected
out-and-out errors and came with new suggestions (which I presume were then
coneyed to MO).

Marc commented, however, that most of the translations were already very good
and needed no changes.

I wonder if they also looked over any of the stuff within the text of the book.
There's one proper mu' chu' in there, and also some metals that are not written
in Okrandian romanized tlhIngan Hol.


Marc Okrand brought it to qep'a' and a number of experienced speakers had a look
at it. Nothing radically new, but should be good quality. Buy it for BoP
interest, not for language interest, though.

We weren't providing anything, just proof reading and complaining about the
font. I would say from his reactions to the titles that he wasn't approving them
as the way to say anything in Klingon, just. informing they said something
vaguely related to each topic.



I think there are three named weapons whose names are noun-noun constructions
using known words.

These are:
* pach peng Talon's Strike (torpedo)
* moratlh ro' Morath's Fist (torpedo)
* notqa' pach Eagle's Claw (mine)



The book Klingon Bird of Prey - Owners' Workshop Manual is sometimes also called
after its publisher's name as "Haynes Bird of Prey Manual". It's a book with
many colored images describing technical issues about the Klingon spaceship
"Rotarran" commanded by general Martok in Deep Space Nine. It has been written
by Star Trek Designer Rick Sternbach and Ben Robinson.

It contains only one new Klingon word (petqaD), but all the titles are written
in pIqaD and both the KLI and Marc Okrand have reviewed the Klingon parts(1).

Klingon titles
All of the Klingon titles are displayed in a variation of pIqaD. The font itself
looks a little unfamiliar, but one gets used to it quite quickly.

Front Cover

| Klingon | Translation on page 1 | literal translation |
| tlhIngan wo'toQDuj | Klingon Bird-Of-Prey | Klingon empire Bird of Prey |
| rotarran bI'rel tlharghDuj | I.K.S. Rotarran (B'Rel Class) | Rotarran B'Rel Scout vessel |
| jonwI' paq | owner's workshop manual | Engineer book |
| paqvam luqon | (n/a) | they wrote this book |

Page Titles

| page | Klingon | Translation | literal translation |
| 2 | ngaS | contents | it contains |
| 4 | 'et mu' | foreword | word of the front |
| 7-16 | chen Duj | Commissioning a Bird-Of-Prey | a bird of prey takes form |
| 18 | bI'rel qIvo'rIt | B'Rel versus K'Vort-Class | B'Rel K'Vort |
| 20 | So'wI' qun | cloaking device history | cloaking device history |
| 22 | tel lolmoH | wing positions | wing ... |
