Marc Okrand [email protected] wrote in article 01bcb711$37430f40$LocalHost@marcokra...
SuStel charghwI' je -- muquvmoH QInmey DalI'pu'bogh tlhIH.
To all those too polite to say anything...
The Klingon sentence I wrote to SuStel and charghwI' contains a grammatical error. It's not a weird
dialectal variation; it has nothing to do with social status; it's not a
form of secret or disguised speech. It's just plain wrong.
The verb should be bolI'pu'bogh, using the prefix bo- "you (plural)
it/them," not Da- "you (singular)
Though plural suffixes are not obligatory on nouns (SuvwI' can mean
either "warrior" or "warriors"), Klingons are fussy about the verb
Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Clearly, Maltz never saw my