Qo'noS is the homeworld
of the Klingons, a proud
race of humanoid war-
riors known throughout
the galaxy for their feroc-
ity and their imperial
When you greet a
Klingon warrior, he doesn't
say "hello" or "how are
you?" He asks: "What do
you want?" Perhaps as
much as anything else,
this illustrates the blunt-
ness--but also the open-
handed honesty--that
pervades Klingon culture
and tradition.
The Federation-
Klingon alliance was
recently shattered when
the Klingons launched a
major invasion of
Cardassia, which the
Federation refused to
support. However, recog-
nizing the threat posed by
the Dominion to both Klin-
gon and Federation inter-
ests, Klingon High Council
leader Gowron later
revalidated the alliance.
With diplomatic
relations gradually being
restored, visitors have
begun to return to Qo'nos,
drawn by a sense of
adventure and a desire to
experience Klingon culture
firsthand. After all, no
civilization in known space
boasts a prouder or more
colorful tradition.
And nowhere is it
more colorful than in
Kling, the capital city of
Qo'noS, home to the
Klingon High Council.
Unfortunately, few off-
worlders have ever seen
the Great Hall where the
council meets, and even
fewer have survived the
Visitors should ask
about the street festivals
which re-enact key episodes
in the life of Kahless the
warrior who introduced
Klingons to the concept of
honor some fifteen hun-
dred years ago. One of the
best known festivals is the
Kot'baval, which com-
memorates the epic battle
between Kahless and the
Emperor Molor.
Regardless of where
you may go in the Empire,
one bit of advice always
applies: if you challenge a
Klingon in any way, shape,
or form, you will be called
upon to defend yourself--
sometimes in a fight to the


*** The Kri'stak
near Lake Lusor
is the site of one of the
most stirring Klingon
legends. It's here that the
mythical Kahless dipped a
lock of his hair into the
lava flow and created the
first bat'leth. If you're
lucky, you'll be around
when the volcano decides
to erupt.

** Hem--literally "to
be proud"--is the finest
example of Klingon opera
house architecture on the
planet. Every third night it
presents Aktuh and
Melota, the most beloved
Klingon opera of the last
hundred years.

** Quin'lat, birthplace
of the Klingon poet G'trok,
is surrounded by fields full
of night-blooming
Throgni, the most fragrant
of Klingon flowers. It's also
notable as the site of a
fable in which a foolish
man tries to stand up
against a powerful wind.


*** One of the best
dining halls on Qo'noS has
no name. It's located off the
main square in the ancient
village of Tolar'tu. The
heart of targ is served
bloody and still pumping
and the gagh--also known
as serpent worms--is
very demonstrably alive.
Just beware of the clien-
tele, which can be danger-
ous even from a Klingon
point of view.

** SuQ, which ironi-
cally means "toxic," is one
of the most popular eater-
ies in Kling. The food is
only adequate, but the
bloodwine flows freely and
so do the tales of war and
vengeance. It's also one of
the few places where you
can get racht, a larger
form of serpent worms.

** Gre'thor (the Klin-
gon equivalent of "hell") is
genteel by Klingon stan-
dards and caters largely to
offworld merchants.
Located on the outskirts of
Kling, it specializes in
such dishes as rokeg
blood pie, pipius claw, and
zilm'kach (a segmented
orange foodstuff), which
are considered most palat-
able to non-Klingons.


* All Klingon hostelries
are the same: Spartan at
best. In fact, the Klingons
pride themselves on the
lack of comfort in their
sleeping quarters.


"tajwIj 'oHbe' chorlIj
jeqbogh Dochvetlh'e'"


The darsek, though strips
of latinum are also