The following text comes from the three Klingon cards found in the sixth
season Star Trek: The Next Generation deck published by SkyBox
International Inc.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a
ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the
fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in great crescendo. This yell is
victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other
dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of Ascension
ceremony. The Painstik is employed by friends of the recipient who use the
devices to inflict pain in a manner which will allow the Klingon to attain a
higher state of spirituality as a warrior, proving his mettle. Painstiks are a
little over one meter long and emit a highly-charged shock for the express
purpose of inflicting pain.
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to
fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained
through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for
Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking
device, weapons cannot be dischargd while the cloak is in operation.