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tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
xifan woz yuqmey covluzcug qoznos pox lawz hoc pox pus. rod zohvad juhkoz pofluz neh. paz zohtah vaszaz zez. xifan kum wawz zoh. yok yin yuq zoh qoznoszez. yinsip voqsip je fas muddaj.
(skybox card)
The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located, the center of the Klingon government. Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere.
keylisvad jac zej beydaj lukimmoz yuqdak gahtahbog hoc xifanzez qomkaz hoc qoznos nuvpuz
All of Kronos trembled once more, For every Klingon on the planet Followed her cry for Kahless.
keylisvad jac zej beydaj lukimmoz yuqdak gahtahbog hoc xifanzez qomkaz hoc qoznos nuvpuz
All of Kronos trembled once more, For every Klingon on the planet Followed her cry for Kahless.