Win battle and earn entrance into the order of the bat'leth. Collect 150 forces.
wazmah cazvax rep
Noon or "twelve hundred hours"
wazmah cazvax rep
Noon or "twelve hundred hours"
wazmah hutvax rep
Seven p.m. or "nineteen hundred hours"
wazmah hutvax rep
Seven p.m. or "nineteen hundred hours"
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.