Warp to the nearest vessel. If Unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled.
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
teraz dis caz pag waz wej mehgem qat sub bok cerluz.
In 2013, Popular Culture Hero Coalition was established.
teraz dis caz pag waz wej mehgem qat sub bok cerluz.
In 2013, Popular Culture Hero Coalition was established.
lizkuz xifan mayz taj. not hubzegruphaz lozwiz. taj dopmeydak narg caz tajhom. gop luqan tajhommey. pezlah je. moqdak duqwiz hommey jej tuzluz. payz hivdiz lozwiz pag mupdiz qihcuz bih.
(skybox card)
The Klingon battle knife is designed primarily for versatility of use, so that the user is never caught at a disadvantage. Two small, secondary blades eject from the knife's sides, providing both a hand guard and another set of cutting edges. A brutally spiked pommel fastens the hilt together to provide a damaging surprise attack or give a devastating backhand stroke.
lizkuz xifan mayz taj. not hubzegruphaz lozwiz. taj dopmeydak narg caz tajhom. gop luqan tajhommey. pezlah je. moqdak duqwiz hommey jej tuzluz. payz hivdiz lozwiz pag mupdiz qihcuz bih.
(skybox card)
The Klingon battle knife is designed primarily for versatility of use, so that the user is never caught at a disadvantage. Two small, secondary blades eject from the knife's sides, providing both a hand guard and another set of cutting edges. A brutally spiked pommel fastens the hilt together to provide a damaging surprise attack or give a devastating backhand stroke.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.