n indicates that there is additional information available for this word by clicking on the Klingon.
tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
be different n
be different n
mayz bom pim bom
sing a different battle song
mayz bom pim bom
sing a different battle song
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zej pij tayztah doc pim num.
and it promotes "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations".
zej pij tayztah doc pim num.
and it promotes "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations".