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tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
equipment, gear
equipment, gear
jag lucargluztazbog huh gopduzlij lufasjaj
May the bile of the vanquished fill your hands.
jag lucargluztazbog huh gopduzlij lufasjaj
May the bile of the vanquished fill your hands.
kutluc pax
kut'luch rank
kutluc pax
kut'luch rank
reh boc kutluc lozluzbog.
The used kut'luch is always shiny.
reh boc kutluc lozluzbog.
The used kut'luch is always shiny.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
The Age of Ascension marks a new level of spiritual attainment by a Klingon warrior. The initiate must pass through a gauntlet of warriors who test him with painsticks.
The Age of Ascension marks a new level of spiritual attainment by a Klingon warrior. The initiate must pass through a gauntlet of warriors who test him with painsticks.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
The sisters of the House of Duras, Lursa and B'Etor are constantly seeking a higher standing for the House of Duras within the Klingon™ High Council. To this end, the sisters have acted against Gowron, going as far as to work with Romulan factions in order to gain power.
The sisters of the House of Duras, Lursa and B'Etor are constantly seeking a higher standing for the House of Duras within the Klingon™ High Council. To this end, the sisters have acted against Gowron, going as far as to work with Romulan factions in order to gain power.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulu sfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
hoc xifan dujdak sozwiz jomluz. puvtahbog dujfabmohlawz sozwiz. bok lucerdiz xifan woz romulus hov woz je sozwiz cam sukpuz xifan woz.cak tampuz. cak romulu sfanpuzvad pivgor cam lunobpuz xifanpuz. hos lawzkuz naxmoz sozwiz qaptahvis sozwiz qaplahbez nuhmey. fofmeh waz dujdak nuhmey nisbezbog sozwiz jomluzpuz. hovpoh hut vag caz waz viz jav dujvam zagluzpuz zac qawzluzpuz.
(skybox card)
All Klingon vessels are equipped with a cloaking device, allowing the ship to fly in a state of practical invisibility. Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology. Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device, weapons cannot be discharged while the cloak is in operation.
gik juhdajzez lucenmohpuzbog vavdaj gopduz paw keylis qawzluz zej cim zez tuz
Then Kahless arrived at his home, Once built by his father’s own hands, He found it destroyed and desolate.
gik juhdajzez lucenmohpuzbog vavdaj gopduz paw keylis qawzluz zej cim zez tuz
Then Kahless arrived at his home, Once built by his father’s own hands, He found it destroyed and desolate.