The family of a Klingon warrior is responsible for his actions, and he is responsible for theirs.
waz suvwiz muhluzdiz,
tuhcoh hoc suvwizpuz.
The execution of but one warrior brings shame to all.
waz suvwiz muhluzdiz,
tuhcoh hoc suvwizpuz.
The execution of but one warrior brings shame to all.
wej hegcug vayz,
suvtah suvwiz.
A warrior fights to the death.
wej hegcug vayz,
suvtah suvwiz.
A warrior fights to the death.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
The Age of Ascension marks a new level of spiritual attainment by a Klingon warrior. The initiate must pass through a gauntlet of warriors who test him with painsticks.
The Age of Ascension marks a new level of spiritual attainment by a Klingon warrior. The initiate must pass through a gauntlet of warriors who test him with painsticks.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that a Klingon warrior is coming.
The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of Ascension ceremony. The Painstik is employed by friends of the recipient who use the devices to inflict pain in a manner which will allow the Klingon to attain a higher state of spirituality as a warrior, proving his mettle. Painstiks are a little over one meter long and emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of inflicting pain.
The Klingon Painstik is an important part of a Klingon's Age of Ascension ceremony. The Painstik is employed by friends of the recipient who use the devices to inflict pain in a manner which will allow the Klingon to attain a higher state of spirituality as a warrior, proving his mettle. Painstiks are a little over one meter long and emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of inflicting pain.
nadev sugompuz zej qoznos suvwizpuz hem xih keylis tigmeyzez
Hear now, All of you here, Proud warriors of Kronos*
nadev sugompuz zej qoznos suvwizpuz hem xih keylis tigmeyzez
Hear now, All of you here, Proud warriors of Kronos*
dah tiqoy gaytanhaz qapdiz suvtah qunpuz suvpuz
Of one who fought Against the odds, And even Gods.
dah tiqoy gaytanhaz qapdiz suvtah qunpuz suvpuz
Of one who fought Against the odds, And even Gods.
paz keylismaz wivan nitebhaz masuv hoclog masuv
And greet our Kahless there, To join him in battle For eternity.
paz keylismaz wivan nitebhaz masuv hoclog masuv
And greet our Kahless there, To join him in battle For eternity.
nitebhaz masuv hoclog masuv nitebhaz masuv
To join him in battle, Join him in battle For eternity.
nitebhaz masuv hoclog masuv nitebhaz masuv
To join him in battle, Join him in battle For eternity.
hoclog masuv paz keylismaz wivan hoclog wixej
We meet our Kahless there, To join him for eternity, For eternity.
hoclog masuv paz keylismaz wivan hoclog wixej
We meet our Kahless there, To join him for eternity, For eternity.