n indicates that there is additional information available for this word by clicking on the Klingon.
tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol
be porous
be porous
cazpuj xilhal visuc vineh
I want to visit the dilithium mines.
cazpuj xilhal visuc vineh
I want to visit the dilithium mines.
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
pivgor yicuz zej hoshal sumkuz yijah. hoshal gajcug pag,
beylizvoz zoh dajez net cawz. hoshal gajcug vayz,
miz nagmey tironmoh. wazmahlog bokzeg miz nagmey
cen kavzap. gajwizvad kavzap yidil.
Advance to the nearest energy source. If unowned you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times amount thrown.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.