This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
This marking represents the Klingon Empire and has been emblazoned upon the hulls of countless Klingon Starships. During the aggressive expansion of the Klingon people from their homeworld of Kronos into space, this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the menacing profiles of their battlecruisers.
vayz mipmohbez divizvam,
zej hov lef kafxin pabcu
This organization does not enrich anyone (financially), and it perfectly follows the ideology of Star Trek.
vayz mipmohbez divizvam,
zej hov lef kafxin pabcu
This organization does not enrich anyone (financially), and it perfectly follows the ideology of Star Trek.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zejyoz luc rurbezkuz xifan duj luc. hos lawzkuz luc lawzkuz je loz duj nuh pat hub pat je. mox rayz lusamlahmeh dez qax caz xifan duj jihzaz. mox pim zejyoz dujmey.
(skybox card)
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons grid and defensive systems. Unlike most Starfleet vessels, the main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a complex target acquisition grid.
zej pij tayztah doc pim num.
and it promotes "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations".
zej pij tayztah doc pim num.
and it promotes "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations".
and your gift will help us carry out an essential mission so that lives are saved.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
kivozrit toqduj zoh xifan woz duj . raz kargan hod. dujvamdak xifan nuh tuzluzbog pov lawz hoc pov pus zej dujvamdak zop suvwiz tuzluzbog poz lawz xifan yoz suvwiz lawz poz pus.
(skybox card)
The Imperial Klingon Vessel is a K'vort-class-Bird-of-Prey under the command of Captain Kargan. It has the best weapons and some of the finest warriors in the Klingon fleet.
With strong family traditions, devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon virtues. Above all, the Klingon family name is highly valued.
With strong family traditions, devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon virtues. Above all, the Klingon family name is highly valued.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
niswiz hic mox hos hal kefwiz naq tik je lurarluzbog zoh xifan niswiz behzez. suvwiz viz dub naqvam zej rayz hopdak bacluzmeh cuknaz gurmoh naqvam.
(skybox card)
The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor, attached to an extended power supply stock. This serves to steady the aim of a warrior and increase the effective range for distance targeting.
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.
wazdic xifan dujmey lulegluzpuzbog rur kitizfaz duj teraz vax dis poh cazmah wej hochom lozluztah. teraz vax dispoh cazmah los bof qofmeh kitizfa duj tizaf gompuz diviz zejdoz zenteprayz.
(skybox card)
Similar in configuration to the first Klingon vessels encountered, the K'Tinga-Class remained in use for most of the 23rd century. A sleeper ship of this class, the T'Ong, was encountered in the 24th century by the U.S.S. Enterprise.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
On the Homeworld, there is a great hall where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy and decide upon the fate of the Empire. Gowron currently presides, named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was acting as Arbiter of Succession.
nadev sugompuz zej qoznos suvwizpuz hem xih keylis tigmeyzez
Hear now, All of you here, Proud warriors of Kronos*
nadev sugompuz zej qoznos suvwizpuz hem xih keylis tigmeyzez
Hear now, All of you here, Proud warriors of Kronos*
dah tiqoy teh tigmey zej bih bolijlahbez
The ways of Kahless, For they are true And unforgettable.
dah tiqoy teh tigmey zej bih bolijlahbez
The ways of Kahless, For they are true And unforgettable.