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Klingon Culture

  tlhImqaH - Zilm'Kach
tuHIvlaH - You (Plural) Can Attack Me
boHIvlaH - You (Plural) Can Attack Him/Her/It/Them
bIQong - You Sleep
SuQong - You (Plural) Sleep
bInep - You (Singular) Lie, You Fib.
Sunep - You (Plural) Lie, You Fib.
bIQongbe' - You Don't Sleep
SuQongbe' - You (Plural) Don't Sleep
juHIvbe' - You/I Don't Attack Us
choHIvbe' - You/I Don't Attack Me
DaHIvbe' - You/I Don't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
bIQonglaHbe' - You Can't Sleep
SuQonglaHbe' - You (Plural) Can't Sleep
juHIvlaHbe' - You Can't Attack Us
choHIvlaHbe' - You Can't Attack Me
tuHIvlaHbe' - You (Plural) Can't Attack Me
DaHIvlaHbe' - You Can't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
SuQonglaH - You (Plural) Can Sleep
juHIvlaH - You Can Attack Us
choHIvlaH - You Can Attack Me
DaHIvlaH - You Can Attack Him/Her/It/Them
juHIv - You Attack Us
cheHIv - You (Plural) Attack Us
choHIv - You Attack Me
tuHIv - You (Plural) Attack Me
DaHIv - You Attack Him/Her/It/Them
boHIv - You (Plural) Attack Him/Her/It/Them
bIlughbe' - You (Singular) Are Wrong.
Sulughbe' - You (Plural) Are Wrong.
bIlugh - You (Singular) Are Right.
Sulugh - You (Plural) Are Right.
choSuj - You (Singular) Are Disturbing Me.
tuSuj - You (Plural) Are Disturbing Me.
cheHIvbe' - You (Plural) I Don't Attack Us
tuHIvbe' - You (Plural) I Don't Attack Me
boHIvbe' - You (Plural) I Don't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
cheHIvlaHbe' - You (Plural) Can't Attack Us
boHIvlaHbe' - You (Plural) Can't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
cheHIvlaH - You (Plural) Can Attack Us
ne' - Yeoman
tel - Wing
Qach - (To) Wield (An Ax, Club, Mace)
nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e', - Where is The Bathroom?
maQong - We Sleep
maQongbe' - We Don't Sleep
pIHIvbe' - We/I Don't Attack You (Singular)
reHIvbe' - We/I Don't Attack You (Plural)
DIHIvbe' - We Don't Attack Them
wIHIvbe' - We I Don't Attack Him/Her/It
maQonglaHbe' - We Can't Sleep
pIHIvlaHbe' - We Can't Attack You (Singular)
reHIvlaHbe' - We Can't Attack You (Plural)
DIHIvlaHbe' - We Can't Attack Them
wIHIvlaHbe' - We Can't Attack Him/Her/It
maQonglaH - We Can Sleep
pIHIvlaH - We Can Attack You (Singular)
reHIvlaH - We Can Attack You (Plural)
DIHIvlaH - We Can Attack Them
wIHIvlaH - We Can Attack Him/Her/It
pIHIv - We Attack You (Singular)
reHIv - We Attack You (Plural)
DIHIv - We Attack Them
wIHIv - We Attack Him/Her/It
nuHpIn - Weapons Officer
nuHmey - Weapons
nuH - Weapon
QIS - Wavy-Bladed Knife
pIvghor - Warp Drive
wornagh - Wamog
QaS - Troops
jolpat - Transporter, Transporter System
jolpa' - Transporter Room
baQ - (To) Toss (A Bat-Leth) From One Hand To The Other
Qong - (To) Sleep
bach - (To) Shoot
cha - Torpedoes, Missiles
peng - Torpedo, Missile
DuS - Torpedo Tube
HIv - (To) Attack
chuyDaH - Thrusters
chaQ - (To) Thrust (with either point at the end of a bat'leth's blade)
jop - (To) Thrust (with a bat'leth's full blade)
neHjej - Thistle
Do'Ha' - That is Unfortunate.
nIHIvbe' - They Don't Attack You (Singular)
luHIvbe' - They Don't Attack Him/Her/It
nIHIvlaHbe' - They Can't Attack You (Singular)
luHIvlaHbe' - They Can't Attack Him/Her/It
nIHIvlaH - They Can Attack You (Singular)
luHIvlaH - They Can Attack Him/Her/It
nIHIv - They Attack You (Singular)
luHIv - They Attack Him/Her/It
runpI' - Teapot
ya - Tactical Officer
yanwI' - Swordfighter
yan - (To) Wield (A Sword)
'etlh - Sword, (Any) Blade
yan - Sword
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh - Surrender Or Die!
naQjej - Spear
char - (To Be) Slimy
yIQong - Sleep! (Command, Given To One Person)
peQong - Sleep! (Command, Given To A Group)
Duj - Ship, Vessel
botjan - Shields (Force Field)
yoD - (Hand-Held) Shield
jabwI' - server (waiter, waitress)
bu' - Sergeant
yaS cha'DIch - Second Officer
tlharghDuj - scout vessel
QeDpIn - Science Officer
Sorya' HIq - Saurian Brandy
ghevI' - sauce for gagh
romuluS HIq - Romulan Ale
Qe' - restaurant
raHta' - Racht
pa'mey - quarters
tlhorgh - (to be) pungent
ghuS - (to) prepare to launch (a torpedo)
vut - (To) Prepare (Food Or Drink)
pIpyuS pach - Pipius Claw
yaSpu' - Officers
yaS - Officer
naHlet - Nut
qay'be' - No problem!
tuQDoq - Mind-sifter, Mind-ripper
HIDjolev - Menu
meqleH - Mek'Leth
ghanjaq - Mace
megh - Lunch
tlher - (to be) lumpy
Sogh - Lieutenant
qutluch - Kut'Luch (Associated with Klingon assassins)
taj - Knife
bal - Jug, Jar, Bottle
Qo' - I won't do it! I refuse!
jIyaj - I understand.
jIQong - I Sleep
Hongghor - Impulse Drive
jIwuQ - I have a headache.
jIyajbe' - I Don't Understand.
jIQongbe' - I Don't Sleep.
jISaHbe' - I Don't Care.
qaHIvbe' - I Don't Attack You (Singular)
SaHIvbe' - I Don't Attack You (Plural)
vIHIvbe' - I Don't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
bo'Dagh'a' lo' - Use A Big Scoop = Exaggerate
ngaQ lojmIt - The Door is Locked = The Situation Has An Unavoidable Outcome, Plans Can Not Be Changed, There's Nothing Anyone Can Do About It
bIQ ngaS HIvje' - The Cup Contains Water = Be Quite Mistaken, Be Totally Wrong
may' bom pIm bom - Sing A Different Battle Song = Speak Of Another Matter Entirely
vaj Duj chIj - Navigate A Warrior's Ship = Have Strength Of Character
jop 'ej way' - Lunge And Deflect (Bat'Leth Maneuvers) = Have An Argument
qagh HoH - Kill Gagh = Do Something Counterproductive
Dujmey law' chIjpu' - Has Navigated Many Ships = is Experienced
yItaD - Be Frozen! (yItaD is Used When Speaking To One Person) = Don't Move! Stay Put!
petaD - Be Frozen! (petaD is Used When Speaking To A Group) = Don't Move! Stay Put!
wa'maH cha' pemmey wa'maH cha' rammey je - 12 Days And 12 Nights = A Long Time
tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' - I Can't Speak Klingon.
jIQonglaHbe' - I Can't Sleep
qaHIvlaHbe' - I Can't Attack You (Singular)
SaHIvlaHbe' - I Can't Attack You (Plural)
vIHIvlaHbe' - I Can't Attack Him/Her/It/Them
jIQonglaH - I Can Sleep
qaHIvlaH - I Can Attack You (Singular)
SaHIvlaH - I Can Attack You (Plural)
vIHIvlaH - I Can Attack Him/Her/It/Them
qaHIv - I Attack You (Singular)
vIHIv - I Attack Him/Her/It/Them
SaHIv - I Attack You (Plural)
chay' - How Did This Happen? What's Going On?
vaH - Holster (For A Pistol), Sheath (For A Sword)
DuHIvbe' - He/She/It Doesn't Attack You (Singular)
lIHIvbe' - He/She/It Doesn't Attack You (Singular); They Don't Attack You (Plural)
nuHIvbe' - He/She/It Doesn't Attack Us; They Don't Aftack Us
muHIvbe' - He/She/It Doesn't Attack Me; They Don't Attack Me
HIvbe' - He/She/It Doesn't Attack Him/Her/It/Them; They Don't Attack Them
DuHIvlaHbe' - He/She/It Can't Attack You (Singular)
lIHIvlaHbe' - He/She/It Can't Attack You (Singular); They Can't Attack You (Plural)
nuHIvlaHbe' - He/She/It Can't Attack Us; They Can't Attack Us
muHIvlaHbe' - He/She/It Can't Attack Me; They Can't Attack Me
HIvlaHbe' - He/She/It Can't Attack Him/Her/It/Them; They Can't Attack Them
lIHIvlaH - He/She/It Can Attack You (Singular); They Can Attack You (Plural)
nuHIvlaH - He/She/It Can Attack Us; They Can Attack Us
muHIvlaH - He/She/It Can Attack Me; They Can Attack Me
HIvlaH - He/She/It Can Attack Him/Her/It/Them, They Can Attack Them
DuHIv - He/She/It Attacks You (Singular)
lIHIv - He/She/It Attacks You (Plural); They Attack You (Plural)
nuHIv - He/She/It Attacks Us; They Attack Us
muHIv - He/She/It Attacks Me; They Attack Me
HIv - He/She/It Attacks Him/Her/It/Them; They Attack Them
lIHIvlaH - He/She/It Can Attack You; They Can Attack You
DeghwI' - Helmsman
Degh - Helm
targh tIq - Heart Of Targ
Qong - He/She Sleeps, They Sleep
Qongbe' - He/She Doesn't Sleep, They Don't Sleep
QonglaHbe' - He/She Can't Sleep, They Can't Sleep
QonglaH - He/She Can Sleep, They Can Sleep
QIghpej - Hand-Held Pain-Inducing Device
naDevvo' yIghoS - Go Away!
tlhatlh - Qladst
ghem - Midnight Snack
Sa' - General
qagh - Gagh, Serpent Worms
naH - Fruit, Vegetable
Soj - Food (And Drink)
yaS wa'DIch - First Officer
baH - (To) Fire (A Torpedo)
lagh - Ensign
jonpIn - Engineering Officer
tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'? - Do You (Singular) Speak Klingon?
tlhIngan Hol bojatlh'a'? - Do You (Plural) Speak Klingon?
jey'naS - Double-Headed Ax
ghoHIvQo' - Don't Attack Us! (Command)
tIHIvQo' - Don't Attack Them! (Command)
HIHIvQo' - Don't Attack Me! (Command)
yIHIvQo' - Don't Attack Him/Her! (Command)
Daqtagh - D'K Tahg Knife
nlswl' beH - Disruptor Rifle
nISwI' HIch - Disruptor Pistol
nISwI' DaH - Disruptor Banks
nISwI' - Disruptor
'uQ - Dinner
'up - (To Be) Disgusting, Repugnant
'ey - (To Be) Delicious
way' - (To) Deflect (A Bat'Leth's Thrust)
choQ - Deck
Dargh - Tea
HIvje' - Cup, Drinking Vessel
Da' - Corporal
vutwI' - Cook, Food Preparer
QumpIn - Communications Officer
totlh - Commodore
la' - Commander
la"a' - Commandant
HIghoS - Come Here!
ra'taj - Cofee With Liquor Added
qa'vIn - Coffee
jeqqIj - Club, Bludgeon
So'wI' - Cloaking Device
chob - Corridor
ngal - (To Be) Chewy
chechtlhutlh - Baceh'tluth
HoD quS - Captain's Chair
HoD - Captain
mangHom - Cadet
'ech - Brigadier
meH - Bridge
bIreQtagh - Bregit Lung
nIQ - Breakfast
'Iw HIq - Bloodwine
tlhorghHa' - (To Be) Bland
toQDuj - Bird Of Prey
bIjatlh 'e' yImev - Be Quiet (Stop Speaking)!
qurgh - Bean
HIjol - Beam Me Aboard!
ghlntaq - Battle Spear
may'luch - Battle Gear
may'Duj - Battle Cruiser
betleH - Bat'Leth
chom - Bartender
'uQ'a' - Banquet, Feast
baqghol - Baqghol
'obmaQ - Ax
ghoHIv - Attack Us! (Command)
tIHIv - Attack Them! (Command)
HIHIv - Attack Me! (Command)
yIHIv - Attack Him/Her! (Command)
Ha'DIbaH - Animal! (Invective)
SaSuj'a' - Am I Disturbing You (Plural)?
nIch - Ammunition
qaSuj'a' - Am I Disturbing You (Singular)?
aj - Admiral
'oH - It
ghaH - He/she
jIH - I
nuqDaq - Where?
ghorgh - When?
nuq - What?
HIja' - Yes
wI' - Tactical display
ghuH - Alert
yaH - Duty station
SuQ - Toxic
Dun - Wonderful
puj - Weak
DIv - Guilty
qej - Grouchy
vaQ - Aggressive
ngeD - Easy
Dub - Back
chor - Belly
porgh - Body
rol - Beard
loch - Mustache
ghu - Baby
puq - Child
loDHom - Boy
vaghmaH - Fifty
loSmaH cha' - Forty-two
loSmaH - Forty
wejmaH - Thirty
cha'maH cha' - Twenty-two
cha'maH wa' - Twenty-one
cha'maH - Twenty
wa'maH vagh - Fifteen
wa'maH loS - Fourteen
wa'maH wej - Thirteen
wa'maH cha' - Twelve
wa'maH wa' - Eleven
ramjep - Midnight
pemjep - Midday
rep - Hour
pem - Daytime
DIS - Year
'Ip - Vow
tugh - Hurry up!
Qoch - Disagree
nargh - Escape
lIj - Forget
Qang - Chancellor
veSDuj - Warship
HaSta - Visual display
qughDuj - Cruiser
cha'pujqut - Dilithium crystal
ghIH - Sloppy
Qup - Young
jItlhutlh - I drink.
yoH - Brave
tIn - Big
ngeb - False
jat - Tongue
nuj - Mouth
ghIch - Nose
qogh - Ear
mIn - Eye
loDnI' - Brother
SoS - Mother
wa'Hu' - Yesterday
cha'leS - Day after tomorrow
jaj - Day
nuQ - Bother
Ho' - Admire
jup - Friend
jagh - Enemy
QumwI' - Communicator
qan - Old (not young)
ngo' - Old (not new)
wa'maH - Ten
Hut - Nine
chorgh - Eight
Soch - Seven
jav - Six
vagh - Five
loS - Four
wej - Three
wa' - One
pagh - Zero
lob - Obey
chlj - Navigate
mej - Leave
Sov - Know
HoH - Kill
Sup - Jump
yu' - Interrogate
tIch - Insult
qap - Insist
QaH - Help
Qoy - Hear
muS - Hate
jaH - Go
lum - Procrastinate
Haw' - Flee
Suv - Fight
je' - Feed
pum - Fall
jor - Explode
lach - Exaggerate
chup - Suggest
'el - Enter
tIv - Enjoy
tlhutlh - Drink
lobHa' - Disobey
tlhaQ - Funny
Hegh - Die
Qaw' - Destroy
jey - Defeat
toj - Deceive
tlhoch - Contradict
chargh - Conquer
qIv - Knee
Qum - Communicate
toS - Climb
wIv - Choose
ngor - Cheat
tlha' - Chase
qaD - Challenge
lop - Celebrate
jon - Capture
je' - Buy
pov - Afternoon
pIch - Blame
magh - Betray
jol - Beam
tlhob - Ask
chaw' - Allow
qeS - Advise
vang - Act
chav - Achieve
'oy' - ache
DuQ - stab
QIp - stupid
Qe' - Restaurant
yuch - chocolate
vav - Father
'oy'naQ - painstik
majQa' - Well done!
nuqneH - Greeting
maH - We
'ugh - Heavy
Quch - Happy
Hov - Star
yuQ - Planet
lu' - OK
jIH - Viewscreen
tepqengwI' - Cargo carrier
nIn - Fuel
yo' - Fleet
'IQ - Sad
tlhol - Raw
tuv - Patient
qur - Greedy
QaQ - Good
qab - Face
Quch - Forehead
nach - Head
legh - See
qet - Run
bup - Quit
leS - Relax
Qan - Protect
qaw - Remember
yev - Pause
SuH - Ready!
DaH - Now
qoS - Birthday
ghargh - Gagh
pItlh - Done!
la'quv - Supreme Commander
pu'HIch - Phaser pistol
pu'beH - Phaser rifle
pu' - Phaser
nuHmey - Arsenal
Ich - Gun
veQDuj - Garbage scow
HIchDal - Airlock
pIH - Suspicious
mach - Small
Dogh - Silly
rop - Sick
quv - Honored
bIt - Nervous
qu' - Fierce
qab - Bad
'IH - Beautiful
QeH - Angry
tuH - Ashamed
lIm - Panic
maw - Offend
no' - Ancestors
qempa' - Ancestor
vuv - Respect
chegh - Return
nej - Look for
yIn - Live
puqbe' - Daughter
puqloD - Son
vaghSaD wejvatlh loSmaH Soch - 5,347
wa''uy' - One million
wa'SaD - One thousand
wa'vatlh - One hundred
ram - Night
po - Morning
jar - Month
Hogh - Week
tup - Minute
lup - Second
'Ij - Listen
nep - Lie, Fib
Dev - Lead
tlho' - Thank
HaD - Study
mev - Stop
nIH - Steal
tlhIH - You all
SoH - You
chaH - They (people)
mut - Selfish
qawHaq - Memory banks
yuD - Dishonest
Qatlh - Difficult
Hom - Bone
Iw - Blood
mov - Top of foot
qam - Foot
not - Never
peng - Torpedo
'otlh - Photon
Hap - Matter
Dach - Absent
ghItlh - Write
voq - Trust
Qam - Stand
tagh - Lung
Somraw - Muscle
yeb - Wrist
Ha' - Let's go!
Qo'noS - Kronos
lupDujHom - Shuttlecraft
chIjwI' - Navigator
Hong - Impulse power
Hop - Far
toch - Palm of hand
chap - Back of hand
ghop - Hand
DeS - Arm
jach - Shout
DIr - Skin
chu' - New
'ejDo' - Starship
Saqghom - Landing Party
wej - Don't do it yet!
naDev - Here
pa' - There
tlhIngan Hol - Klingon language
tlhIngan - Klingon
voDleH - Emperor
Da' - Corporal
Duy'a' - Ambassador
may' - Battle
rugh - Antimatter
Daj - Interesting
val - Intelligent
Sey - Excited
mIgh - Evil
chIm - Empty
tIq - Heart
tlhon - Nostril
wuS - Lip
woS - Chin
qevpob - Cheek
yaj - Understand
ngab - Vanish
ngev - Sell
tam - Quiet
matlh - Loyal
Huy' - Eyebrow
quHvaj - Dandruff
jIb - Hair on head
Hob - Yawn
naD - Praise
woH - Pick Up
qIm - Pay attention
Sagh - Serious
HanDogh - Nacelle
jInargh - I escape.
jIqu' - I am fierce.
qatlha' - I chase you.
bIqab - You are bad.
jIQeH - I am angry.
bItuH - You are ashamed.
chomaw - You offend me.
chovuv - You respect me.
jIchegh - I return.
qanej - I look for you.
jIyIn - I live.
jI'Ij - I listen.
chotlho' - You thank me.
jIHaD - I study.
jImev - I stop.
DanIH - You steal it.
qaHoH - I kill you.
maDun - We are wonderful.
qaDev - I lead you.
jISov - I know.
qachargh - I conquer you.
bIqej - You are grouchy.
bIvaQ - You are aggressive.
qapIch - I blame you.
qabej - I watch you.
jI'Ip - I vow.
qaqotlh - I tickle you.
qaDuQ - I stab you.
chotIch - You insult me.
bIQup - You are young.
jItlhab - I am independent.
jIyoH - I am brave.
jIchav - I achieve.
jItIn - I am big.
jI'oy' - I ache.
malop - We celebrate.
bIqan - You are old.
bIpum - You fall.
Duy' - It is defective.
qaHIv - I attack you.
qatlhob - I ask you.
HIlob - Obey me.
jIchIj - I navigate.
vIchup - I suggest it.
bItlhaQ - You are funny.
qawIv - I choose you.
Do'Ha' - That is unfortunate
tera'ngan - Terran
jatlh - Speak
jot - Calm
Soy' - Clumsy
ghobe' - No
boH - Impatient
bIr - Cold
lugh - Correct
butlh - Dirt under fingernails
nItlhpach - Fingernail
ngIb - Ankle
yaD - Toe
'uS - Leg
DeSqIv - Elbow
nItlh - Finger
jol - Transport beam
SuyDuj - Merchant ship
botjan - Shields
noch - Sensor
jIjatlh - I speak.
majot - We are calm.
jIvang - I take action.
bISoy' - You are clumsy.
qaHo' - I admire you.
qaQaw' - I destroy you.
jIbIr - I am cold.
qaqeS - I advise you.
jIlugh - I am correct.
qachaw' - I allow you.
jIbel - I am pleased.
maSuv - We fight.
bIyuD - You are dishonest.
chomagh - You betray me.
Qatlh - It is difficult.
vIghItlh - I write it.
qavoq - I trust you.
jIQam - I stand.
chongor - You cheat me.
qaqaD - I challenge you.
jIba' - I sit.
jIjach - I shout.
qabach - I shoot you.
cholobHa' - You disobey me.
jIval - I am intelligent.
jIQoch - I disagree.
jISey - I am excited.
qajon - I capture you.
vIje' - I buy it.
chonuQ - You bother me.
vIngev - I sell it.
bItam - You are quiet.
jImatlh - I am loyal.
jI'el - I enter.
vItIv - I enjoy it.
chonaD - You praise me.
qawoH - I pick you up.
jIqIm - I pay attention.
jISagh - I am serious.
qaQoy - I hear you.
qamuS - I hate you.
HItojQo' - Don't deceive me.
jIQuch - I am happy.
HItlhochQo' - Don't contradict me.
ma'IQ - We are sad.
jIjaH - I go.
yIlIjQo' - Don't forget.
jItuv - I am patient.
HIje' - Feed me.
bIqur - You are greedy.
jIQum - I communicate.
jIQaQ - I am good.
jItoS - I climb.
qalegh - I see you.
jIqet - I run.
jIbup - I quit.
jIleS - I relax.
qaQan - I protect you.
qaqaw - I remember you.
jIyev - I pause.
jISup - I jump.
qayu' - I interrogate you.
jIqap - I insist.
qaQaH - I help you.
jIquv - I am honored.
qajey - I defeat you.